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Fitzwilliam Lodge No 3023
founded in 1904

Fitzwilliam Lodge was consecrated on the 16th May 1904 by W.Bro. R.Wilson, P.G.D., Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire, at the Masonic Rooms, High Street, Rotherham, in a ceremony commencing at 5.00 p.m.


On the 30th October 1903, Bro. Cheesewright of the Phoenix Lodge chaired a preliminary meeting of eight brethren to discuss the formation of a second Rotherham Lodge.As a result, a petition was sent to Grand Lodge on the 18th November 1903, for a warrant to form a Lodge called the Fitzwilliam Lodge.

The petitioners were Bros. F.Cleeves, J.Gibbs, A.Robinson, G.Foster, C.A.Locke, J.Cheesewright, W.Thompson, R.A.Wilkinson, H.Hampton-Copnall, A.Holmes, H.Gough, B.Heald and W.Liversidge.


A further meeting on the 24th March 1904 confirmed that Lord Fitzwilliam had granted the use of his title and arms.At the same time, the Phoenix Lodge agreed that the new Lodge could use the facilities and furniture at the High Street Masonic Rooms.


The Province of Yorkshire West Riding confirmed that it would be given the number 3023.


On Monday the 16th May 1904, the Lodge was consecrated under the auspices of W.Bro. R.Wilson Dep.P.G.M. of West Yorkshire, in the High Street premises. At the end of that ceremony W.Bro. F.Cleeves was installed as the Master, W.Bro. J.Gibbs as S.W., and W.Bro. A.Robinson as J.W.


In 1958 Fitzwilliam Lodge, along with the other Rotherham Lodges,

moved into the premises in Wellgate, which were dedicated on

Friday 14th February 1958, by the Provincial Grand Master,

R.W.Bro.Henry Clifford Smith J.P.



By 2018 it was becoming clear to everybody concerned with Freemasonry in Rotherham that the Masonic Hall on Wellgate was no longer fit for purpose, due mainly to the age of the building, its position and the lack of parking.  The move to Rotherham Golf Club and a purpose-built Masonic Suite of rooms was arranged and in January 2020 the move was completed and Wellgate was sold.












You can see from these pictures why we are so delighted with our new home at the Golf Club. If you would like to know more of our 100 year history, please click on the following link - 100 years of Fitzwilliam Lodge No. 3023



Wellgate Masonc Hall Rotherham2.jpg
Our new Lodge Room 2.jpg
Rotherham Freemasonry's new home.jpg
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